Medical Nutrition Therapy & Nutritional Coaching

Being healthy can be personalized.

Whether you are looking for help with general nutrition education, have a weight loss/gain goal, seeking education for how to manage a health condition with nutrition or want to establish a healthy relationship with food, we are more than happy to help you.

Well Rooted Health and Nutrition currently offers personalized consultations to individuals, families, and couples.

Planting the seed to your health

Are you worn out and confused with all the diet and nutrition trends? Want to learn how to obtain and sustain a realistic and effective approach with your eating habits and fitness?

With all the fad diets bouncing around out there, it has become utterly confusing on how to truly eat well and reach your health goals. As registered dietitians, we are trained trained how to filter out the noise and place focus on educating you about evidence-based nutrition so that you can feel confident on the path towards your lifesyle change. We listen to your individual needs and goals to design a sustainable lifestyle plan that aligns to your needs and goals.

At Well Rooted, we explain the connection food has to all aspects of your health so that you experience change that you can sustain. We are your partners on this journey, offering you support, knowledge, and gentle accountability all along the way!

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Mission and Vision

To establish relationships by building trust, being compassionate and listening to what our clients have to say.

To help each client understand that how we eat and what we think about ourselves are closely tied to our physical and emotional health.

To educate our clients on how to limit poor food choices and build good eating habits.

To encourage behavior changes related to nutrition through a focus on helping you set S.M.A.R.T. goals.

To promote mindful and intuitive eating, the importance of daily exercise, and the importance of positive self-talk and self-care.

Our Vision is to innovate a unique approach to health and nutrition.

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